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Helena Bester

Pet Parents
Have a cat: Apollo


  • 10+ years of Copywriting experience.
  • Degree in Marketing, Human Resources.


  • Graduated from the University of Stellenbosch (South Africa) in 1998


  • Helena is a passionate cat-lover with a background in marketing and human behavior. Why do we love our cats as much as we do? The answers may differ, but psychology is the same.
  • Since graduating from University, Helena has traveled the world, started two businesses, and discovered that words are still her first love. She has been freelancing for the last seven years and has never met a cat she did not like.


Helena lives on a farm with her husband and three children in the Western Cape province of South Africa. She is probably reading, cooking, or chatting with Apollo, her favorite tuxedo cat, when she is not writing.

Helena’s pets

'We have two Rhodesian Ridgebacks as guard dogs on the farm, although chances are better that you'll be licked to death than anything else. They are called Ribs and Cecil. Our cat family includes Apollo (of course), Milly (a tabby) and Beano, our midnight black beauty.'

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